IADR-SEA Abstract Submission Instructional Summary

Read here the 'CALL FOR ABSTRACTS' prior to beginning your abstract submission.

Log in via the IADR Member Portal

All abstract submitters, member and non-member, will access the site via My IADR Portal. If you are already an IADR Member, but have not logged into the site before, you will need to activate your My IADR Portal Account. View details on activating your My IADR Portal account here. Once you are logged in, from the left menu select Events. This will redirect you to the Active Events page, containing links to all ScholarOne Abstracts sites that are currently available. Ensure you turn off your pop-up blocker and select the site related to the abstract submission. If you need assistance allowing pop-ups visit our instruction page here. Click on the Open Events Site link for 2023 IADR-SEA Conference.

All presenters must agree to the following conditions when submitting an abstract

  1. Affirm that any work with human or animal subjects reported on complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures found in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association, and this research project has been duly cleared by my Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Institutional Ethics Committee or an equivalent ethical body.
  2. Affirm that the work has not been published (in print or electronically) or presented elsewhere prior to the 2023 IADR-SEA Conference
  3. Agree that if the abstract is accepted, IADR has permission to publish the abstract in printed and/or electronic formats
  4. Agree to pre-register for the congress and pay the registration fee before the presenter pre-registration deadline of 31 Aug 2023

Abstract Rules and Guidelines

  1. Individuals may present only one (1) abstract (excluding symposia & keynote lectures). All abstracts should be 300 words or less. Abstract titles are limited to 10 words or less
  2. Abstracts must report on original research.
  3. Submitters may not split one research project into several papers.
  4. Individuals can co-author multiple abstracts.
  5. Presenters must disclose any potential personal or co-author conflict of interest and agree to the IADR Policy on Full Disclosure along with the IADR Abstract Licensing Policy during submission.
  6. Previously published abstracts (in print or electronically) or those presented at another meeting are not allowed.
  7. Abstracts may not report on a research project presented at a symposium held at the same congress.
  8. Authors of presentations later proven to contain previously published material will be sanctioned and may be prohibited from presenting at future IADR congresses.
  9. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reclassify submitted abstracts into the most appropriate area of review.
  10. You must receive the approval of all co-authors before putting their names on the abstract.
  11. Abstracts are reviewed if submitted before the abstract submission deadline of 30 Jun 2023. Abstracts in Draft will not be reviewed and included in the scientific programme. Presenters are not permitted to modify their abstracts after submission deadline.
  12. Typographical or grammatical errors that appear in your abstract will also appear in the final Scientific Programme.

Abstract Notification

The official acceptance/rejection notifications will be emailed around early Aug to all abstract submitters (Note: we solely communicate with the author appointed as presenter).


"Late-Breaking" submission ONLY for Poster Presentation (deadline): 16 August 2023
Notification to all presenters: 23 August 2023