Earn MMA CPD 16 Points

Thursday, 23 November 2023

8.00am - 5.00pm
8.45am - 9.20am
Opening Ceremony
9.20am - 9.50am
Keynote Lecture 1
Oral Health Coverage for All
Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director of the WHO South-East Asia Region
9.50am - 10.20am
Tea Break
10.20am - 11.05am
Keynote Lecture I: Panel discussion
11.05am - 12.35pm
Poster Session (Foyer Area)
11.05am - 12.35pm
Oral Session-1
Oral Session-2
Oral Session-3
12.35pm - 1.30pm
Sponsored Lunch Session 1 (Auditorium)
Lunch & Learn 1:
Challenges & Opportunities in publishing Contemporary Research
Lunch & Learn 2:
Leveraging Bioengineering Technologies for Impactful Research
Lunch & Learn 3:
Immunity in the Oral Cavity
Lunch & Learn 4:
Orofacial Medicine
1.30pm - 3.00pm
Poster Session (Foyer Area)
1.30pm - 3.00pm
Oral Session-4
Oral Session-5
Oral Session-6
3.00pm - 4.15pm
Symposium 1:
Population Oral Health
Symposium 2: The Latest Insights into the
Oral-Systemic Health Connection
Symposium 3:
Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering
3.00pm - 4.30pm
Poster Hall Set-up (Day 2)
4.15pm - 4.45pm
Tea Break
4.45pm - 5.45pm
Keynote Lecture 2
Speaker to be confirmed
5.45pm - 6.45pm
7.30pm - 10.30pm
Conference Banquet

Friday, 24 November 2023

8.00am -9.00am
Sponsored Breakfast Session (if any)
9.00am -10.30am
Poster Sessions (Foyer Area)
9.00am -10.30am
Oral Session-7
Oral Session-8
Oral Session-9
10.30am -11.00pm
Tea Break
11.00am -12.15pm
Symposium 4:
Orofacial Devices & Therapeutics
Symposium 5:
Digital Dentistry, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
12.15pm -1.15pm
Sponsored Lunch Session 2 (Auditorium)
Lunch & Learn 5:
Diagnosing TMD in general practice -new guidelines
Lunch & Learn 6:
Oral and systemic health: data linkage capabilities
Lunch & Learn 7:
The Lancet Commission on Oral Health: recommendations from the final report
Lunch & Learn 8:
3D Printing Technology in Dentistry
Lunch & Learn 9:
MRI in dentistry: a new era?
1.15pm -2.15pm
Symposium 6:
Biomaterial Science and Biomechanics in Dentistry
Symposium 7:
Improving oral care access using tele-dentistry
2.15pm -3.45pm
Poster Sessions (Foyer Area)
2.15pm -3.45pm
Oral Session-10
Oral Session-11
Oral Session-12
3.45pm -4.15pm
Tea Break
4.15pm -5.30pm
Symposium 8:
Bioprinting Strategies for Orofacial Regeneration and Disease Modelling
Symposium 9:
Advanced Dental Biomaterials and Bioengineering
5.30pm -6.00pm
Closing Ceremony and Award Presentation

DISCLAIMER: The Organising Committee may, in its discretion, amend any part of the programme without prior notice.